When a company has more debt than it has income, it can find itself in an overwhelming situation, and could even face bankruptcy. When that happens, many other problems can arise. Performing some business debt restructuring is a better solution than bankruptcy. In business debt restructuring, a company’s debts are assessed, then the best way to pay creditors while keeping the business functioning is found. Business debt restructuring involves reorganizing overdue accounts so creditors can be paid strategically without having to shut down the company or file for bankruptcy. s.
Business debt restructuring is one of the best ways to avoid bankruptcy. When a business files for bankruptcy, it is not necessarily the end of its problems. Filing for Chapter 11 these days is a precarious event because of the 2005 laws which are geared towards forcing businesses to meet their financial obligations rather than offering legal protection.
The business owner then has to face court proceedings that make it harder for businesses to get back on their feet again. Utilizing business debt restructuring can prevent a court appointed attorney from taking over the business, and examining its books. A business debt restructuring process is friendlier to businesses who have found themselves in a delinquent debt situation. Business debt restructuring can alleviate financial distress.
American Finasco has just the right people who can help with business debt restructuring. With its Debt Resolution Plan, business debt restructuring has never been easier. American Finasco helps companies of all sizes facing a possible bankruptcy. A good business debt restructuring plan is the best way for a business to get out of debt, keep its creditors satisfied, and continue running.
If a company is forced to deal with litigation, American Finasco can help with that, too. Our National Attorney Network can help lower legal fees using a flat fee schedule. Also, American Finasco steps in and manages the debt, eliminating harassing phone calls creditors and their agents are known for making. American Finasco will inform the creditors that they are the ones handling the debt and field all communications.
American Finasco is truly a marvel. To my knowledge, I have never dealt with such an efficient, smooth running operation. It was when I almost hit rock bottom; I still recall the day you made the call to my office offering your assistance. we met, discussed our financial situation, and almost two years later I can happily say we show a profit rather than a loss.
Thank you for proving to us that we don’t have to quit when times get rough.I am being very optimistic when I say we will no longer require your services, however, if ever needed, you will always be highly recommended to any of my colleagues regarding commercial credit counseling