
American Finasco
What is debt to income ratio?
Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio measures your company’s ability to afford additional debt. This is calculated by dividing your monthly debt payments by your monthly gross income. This number is expressed as a percentage and indicates how effectively you manage your company’s debts and spend money on a monthly basis. The lower the percentage, the easier it...
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Beware of Fraud
It’s true, we are facing unprecedented times. Although this is a time where we should all band together, it is also a time when scams become more prevalent on and offline. This is a time when there are many potential fraud schemes related to economic stimulus programs offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration in...
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difference between deferment and forbearance
Many small businesses find themselves struggling as they navigate through the changing economy during coronavirus. One option for helping to improve your cash flow and protect your credit is to get a loan deferment or forbearance. Both options allow you to stop making loan payments for a period of time while you help your business...
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Beware of online debt relief fraud
If you are in substantial debt, or if your business if facing financial hardships due to the pandemic, becoming debt-free can be a captivating idea. So much that you may blindly be led into one of the many scams found online. American Finasco would like to warn every small business owner looking to become debt...
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Denied CoVid Relief?
The coronavirus has put financial stress on many small businesses across the country, and throughout the world. Many business owners are worried they won’t be able to make their business credit card payments. Credit card companies are now offering many relief programs for small businesses suffering financial hardships due to the pandemic. Deferred payments and...
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PPP Fraud
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has been closed to new applicants since August 20, 2020. Although Congress is still considering extending the program, nothing has yet to become official. Millions of small businesses have applied for this type of loan since the beginning of the pandemic. But now, some of these applicants that have been...
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Cash Flow Strategy
A cash flow strategy for small business and debt relief are necessary in these uncertain economic times.  American Finasco has been successful over the years working with companies who find themselves in financial difficulty. Call us today (800) 299-2909 or visit https://americanfinasco.com.
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Are MCAs right for right now
Is an MCA helpful to my business during this pandemic? Covid-19 has continued to have a devastating effect on many small businesses. Since the recession, small businesses have had trouble getting loans. Many have turned to a Merchant Cash Advance Loans for working capital to survive. Although American Finasco does not advise their customers to...
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how your business can be debt free
Creditors will often take a large reduction for a lump sum payment. American Finasco’s debt solution services can settle your debt and leave you with working capital. Relief from debt and cash is what your business needs remain up and running. Call American Finasco (800) 299-2909.
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Financial Freedom
Is financial freedom a myth? For many small business owners, it seems to be. If you feel that finances control your life and every month is a challenge to get bills paid, then financial freedom can feel out of reach. American Finasco helps their clients take the necessary steps toward financial freedom and to get...
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American Finasco

A Commercial Debt Management company in Houston, Texas, American Finasco has served thousands of clients in all regions of the United States. The profile of American Finasco’s client is a closely held, under-capitalized corporation, with gross revenue between $500,000 and $100,000,000.

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